12 April, 2017

Update! ('bout f*%$# time!!!)

'ello fans of Blue Cheer! So, I haven't really updated this for a while, and that's because I've been re-tooling several of my blogs to a "Collector's Guide" sort of approach (much like my Motorhead blog, you can find a link to it at the bottom of the home page.). Since I'm no kind of writer, I'm better at obsessing and documenting every last blofddy release of a band's catalog. And it suits me fine, what with me being an obsessive collector.
That is what I plan on doing with this page. In addition, with this page, I've decided to solicit essays written about the band from a varied host of guest writers, about personal experiences, Working with them, sharing a stage, even fans from concerts.

So with that, please bear with me as I move to get all this underway.
Until then....